Okay, so why is it so important that businesses have websites? These days, a business website is essential to the overall success of your business. Having a business website helps to establish credibility with potential clients and it is also the FIRST face that anyone sees. You always want to put your best foot forward with everything, and your business is no exception. Our Bizness Coaching/Profit Building website's home page is the graphic above. Take a minute or two to peruse through its pages: www.ShannonBarnesNow.com. Having a website and "online presence" allows you to market your business online. There are tons of marketing strategies out there that are readily and easily accessible. All online marketing strategies have been proven to be effective but having a website supersedes them all. Additionally, having a websites allows your products and/or services to be sold around the clock to whoever, wherever with hardly no limitations. It is a WONDERFUL feeling to make money WHILE YOU SLEEP. What other way can a small business become visible WORLDWIDE all at the same time. Websites should be clean and well laid out. But most importantly, it should be easy to read. I can't begin to tell you the COUNTLESS number of times that I've visited a website and the home page made you scroll down, scroll down, scroll down and then scroll down again just to get to the information for which I visited the website in the first place. All that scrolling makes for visitors to "X" out of the website before taking time to see what your business truly offers. Websites also establishes social proof such as testimonials and social media platforms. Remember, the visible you are, the more likely you will build your customer base. Websites are the perfect tools for delineating your mission, goals and what sets your business apart from others within your industry. Websites are also the great way to display all contact information. If a potential customer cannot reach your business by phone, then maybe they will have better success through Facebook, or by sending an email, or even through a contact us form on your website. It is IMPERATIVE for every business to have a website. Feel free to let us know your thoughts by commenting to this blog post, or if you have any questions. You might also want to check out our services page. Let us help you develop an effective website solution for your business, tailored to honing in on your perspective clients and customers. Just click HERE to be redirected.
Take a listen to our podcast, "In the Studio with Shannon", where we discussed how to prepare for tax season. You'll be given a quick checklist of what you need to make this 2018 Tax Season journey smooth and painless!!!
Far too many times, I've heard from people just how much they hate their jobs, or, that they are pursuing a certain career because it is expected of them. Life is entirely too short to live it MISERABLY and/or wondering of what others think of you and your worth.
Now is the time to get serious about this thing we call LIFE! Are you living life or merely existing? This is the million dollar question and hopefully, you have or know where to find the answer. I started my entrepreneur journey many years ago because I felt stuck and needed something different in my life. Does this sound like someone you may know? My "chosen" career (and notice I'm using quotation marks) was that of a paralegal/legal secretary/accountant/runner. It afforded me the opportunity to take care of my children but I was like a hamster running on that wheel, never moving forward and never reaching my destination. So many times I was on the VERGE of changing occupations but too fearful to make that move. For years, I was LEAVING MY JOB TO START MY OWN BUSINESS. My first business started while still working my 9 to 5. I would have business meetings on my lunch hour, after business hours or on the weekends. I would work on client files until sometimes four or five in the morning. My word product was (and still is) an extension of myself and my professionalism. This was an everyday habitual pattern but I was enjoying every minute of it. Well, finally, I had an extremely bad experience on the job which ultimately led to my termination. Little did I know that this would ultimately lead to me living my passion with purpose, as I became a full-time entrepreneur and business owner. I am extremely passionate about seeing God's people prosper and live life to the fullest. My aim is to assist with finding your passion and then catapulting that passion into a business, and, thereby, eloquently gliding straight into PURPOSE. You will find that living your passion will allow your purpose to be realized. This is so true because if you're passionate about something, you will hang in there during the rough times. If you're passionate about something, you will be willing to do what it takes to make it successful. If you're passionate about something, you are determined to create a solution to a problem. And, if you're passionate about something, you are willing to make the necessary sacrifices to ensure SUCCESS. Never listen to naysayers. They are "wanna be entrepreneurs" trying to stop your progression. Stay focused this season. Stay true to your passion and watch how seamlessly passion is birthed into purpose. I'm a living witness that IT WORKS!!!
First, you must DECIDE TO BE A MULTIMILLIONAIRE. You first have to decide that this is what you want for your life in order to leave a lasting legacy for your children, for years to come. This won't happen merely from saving and pinching pennies. Know your worth and declare it each and every day, "I am WORTH over $100,000,000." SAY it and BELIEVE it.
Next, you must GET RID OF POVERTY THINKING. In spite of popular belief, please know that there isn't a shortage of money. There is, however, a shortage of people thinking correctly ABOUT money. Then, you must ALLOW OTHERS TO GROW ALONG WITH YOU. If you don't help others along the way, don't expect to reach multi-millionaire status. Don't just let MONEY be your motivating factor. By helping others reach their fullest potential will not only validate your place, but will solidify it also. Then, you must SURROUND YOURSELF WITH MULTI-MILLIONAIRE THINKERS. So a man "thinketh," so is he. If you surround yourself with those who flourish within the parameters of mediocrity, you, too, will join them. Surround yourself with positive thinkers and doers. Surround yourself with those will not provide you with "what you want to hear", but surround yourself with people who will keep you motivated but most of all will keep you constantly challenging yourself for better. Next, you must CHANGE HOW YOU WORK. Millionaires treat time differently then the rest of us. Wealthy individuals realize that time is their most precious commodity, and not the money itself. You must then CHANGE YOUR FOCUS FROM SPENDING MONEY TO INVESTING MONEY. Wealthy people don't spend money. They invest it. Here's an example. You purchase a car for style and looks. The wealthy purchase cars for their company that is deductible because it's used to produce revenue. See the difference??!!! Lastly, you must CREATE MULTIPLE STREAMS OF INCOME. I can't stress this enough. The rich NEVER depend on just one source of producing income. If this is a concept that you can't understand, then maybe, just maybe, multi-millionaire status is just a dream for you instead of an attainable reality. I'm declaring that 2016 will produce a harvest from the seeds planted so long ago. Have you planted in good soil? Have you cultivated the land? Has it been watered? If you want BETTER, then do better. If you want DIFFERENT, then do differently. Don't complain if you won't change.
Are you fully aware of what you can deduct as a legitimate business expense? Let's go over a few items.
Most business owners use their personal vehicle for business as well. For instance, you may use your personal vehicle to get to an important meeting, or you may use your personal vehicle for a business seminar you may be attending. It is extremely important that you clearly delineate what miles are used for business and what miles are personal. A good rule of thumb is to keep a log of some kind to keep up with business miles. Now, since you are also using your personal car for business, you may be able to deduct the following: car insurance, car repairs, tires, maintenance, etc. Bear in mind that if you decide to deduct actual business expenses as it relates to your vehicle, you must know the actual percentage of business use. This is done by dividing the total miles driven on the personal vehicle by the total miles driven for business. (i.e., 10,000 total miles driven on vehicle, with 3,000 of those miles used for business. Your percentage of business use of that vehicle is 30%) Once you have determined your business use percentage then all actual business expenses on the personal car must be multiplied by the business use percentage in order to determine the actual business expense allowed as a deduction. For example, let's say you purchased 2 new tires totaling $500.00. You cannot deduct the total $500.00 because you have to take into account the fact that the car is also used as your personal vehicle. Therefore, you must multiply the cost of the new tires times your percentage of business use (30%). You can actually deduct $150.00 as a business expense on the cost of the two new tires. As you can see, it is extremely important that you understand what can be used as a business deduction and it is even more important that you keep good records. Don't be overwhelmed!! Just ask THE RIGHT PERSON the RIGHT QUESTIONS and you'll be fine. ![]() We all have dreams. Even though we dream differently, we still dream nonetheless. Have you ever asked this BURNING question, "Why is it that some dreams become reality and others don't?" The answer to that question is simply this, "Motivation." What motivates you to achieve your dreams? Is it MONEY? Is it STATUS? Is it POWER? Is it PASSION? Is it FEAR? Find out the modus operandi surrounding your dreams coming into fruition. Knowing what makes us tick is key to exploring different avenues of success, for without MOTIVATION some people would remain stagnant, despondent and hopeless. I believe that without MOTIVATION others will remain fearful of success. Ya know, SUCCESS isn't a dirty word. If MONEY, POWER and STATUS are your motivating forces then chances are your modus operandi is totally for ALL the wrong reasons. MONEY, POWER and STATUS are fleeting "feel good" gimmicks which come and go more frequently than anyone would ever care to admit. We are bigger than these things. If FEAR is your motivating factor then chances are at some point, procrastination will set in and you will become stagnant all over again. Allow your PASSION to become your motivating force. For only through TRUE PASSION will your dreams ever materialize into the HERE and NOW!! Passion being your driving force will ensure tenacity, perseverance and endurance. Your passion will allow you to stand the test of time through ALL THINGS and in the face of adversities. So remember, you must stay focused and motivated to endure this thing called business ownership. You must stay focused and motivated to endure this thing called LIFE!! And you must stay focused and motivated to ensure SUCCESS!! It's not easy but who said anything worth having was easy to achieve? No one!! Motivate yourself to speak to that mountain and it must move out of your way. You won't have to cross over it! You won't have to walk around it! You won't have to dig under it! Your motivation will allow that mountain to LITERALLY move clean out of the way and will light the path to your DESTINATION. So motivate yourself and you will see great things come your way!!! ![]() Well, I'm feeling a push to motivate my fellow entrepreneurs. My questions today are: "Why haven't you started that business yet?" "Why are you NOT promoting your business?" You will NEVER succeed at business ownership if you aren't doing anything. In talking with the many people I come in contact, it appears as though procrastination has taken a hold of some common ground. Procrastination is the action of delaying or postponing something. Procrastination is also the result of fear. If you are afraid to start that business venture, then you will find every excuse in the book to prolong the inevitable. Ok, so maybe some doors were SLAMMED in your faces. Ok, AND...... Dry your tears. Get up!!! And move forward!!! Remember, a slammed door can be a blessing in disguise. If procrastination would have stopped Bill Gates, then I wouldn't be typing this blog to you right now. If procrastination would have stopped Sam Waltham, then you wouldn't be shopping at Wal-Mart or Sam's. Don't let procrastination be your downfall. Business ownership is NOT easy. And I refuse to give you a false sense of reality in thinking that it is. But then again, how easy is it to do ANYTHING productive? Why not invest that time and energy into building YOUR future, not only for you but for your children and future generations. Anything worth having will take long hours, sleepless nights and determination. That is the only way to make it work. Now, if laziness is your problem, then I'm talking to a brick wall. Sorry, but I had to add that little BLURB!!! But if procrastination seems to be your downfall, then this will sure to be your motivational montage....JUST GET OUT THERE AND DO IT. Most of us don't enjoy working on somebody else's job. We actually dread Sunday nights because it means Monday morning is just around the corner. But this is the reality for millions upon billions of people out there. If you dread Monday mornings, then why not try a different course of action. Did it ever occur to you that Monday mornings are dreaded because you know deep down you should be doing something else? You know deep down within the very fibers of your being that your business should have been opened YEARS ago!!! Are you living to work or working to live? Are you being told what time to show up and what time you can leave? What is your passion? Is fear your passion? If so, then success is not within your grasp. What is your passion? Is procrastination your reality? If so, then again, success is not within your grasp. Instead of procrastinating, why not use that little three-lettered prefix, "Pro", in a more positive light. I will become PRO-active in developing my business venture. I will PRO-fess out of my mouth that my business will be successful. I will PRO-tect my vision at all costs. I will PRO-mote change in my thought patterns. I will PRO-ceed with my vision no matter what obstacles I may face. I will PRO-pel my business to the next level. I will PRO-hibit the naysayers from speaking negatively regarding my business. Stop procrastinating, Entrepreneurs, and start making strides for a better future. Remember..... You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great!!! ![]() We are ALL on this conquest for change - emotional stability, financial stability, and stability in our relationships, just to name a few. But have you ever stopped to wonder where the initial change starts? Well, it starts with YOU!!! You have to become that catalyst for this change. It's called TRANSFORMATION! You have to transform the way you think. You have to transform what you speak. You have to rid yourself of negativity regardless if that negativity is in the form of places, events, situations, and even PEOPLE. Now is the time to jump on board that train called SUCCESS!! Now, success doesn't just mean monetary gain. No, you can be successful in so many other facets of life. If you have STOPPED telling yourself "I can't", you have achieved SUCCESS!! If you have STOPPED degrading your spouse, you have achieved SUCCESS!! If you have STOPPED the self-inflicted pity party, you have achieved SUCCESS!!! Now, transformation doesn't happen overnight. It's something that you have to WILL for your life and it's also something that occurs OVER TIME!!! But, you have to at least START!!! You'll be surprised how this transformation now begins the birthing process. Have you been sitting on a book now for years? Has your business venture remained in the idea phase? Has that non-profit organization remained a dream, a wish, a hope? Now is the time for these ideas, dreams, wishes and hopes to become a part of your REALITY, a part of your NOW!!!! Remember, with transformation comes change. Don't fear change!!! Embrace change and watch change begin to embrace you!!! We've all heard the saying that if you want a different result, you must have a different behavior. So many of us want to change our circumstances but we keep doing the exact same thing. There is no way to change your circumstance if you don't change YOU!!!
I come across those wanting to start that new business venture but procrastination keeps them on the couch WISHING HOPING WANTING but never DOING!!! Well, I'm here to tell you that 2015 Will Bring a Change!!! But YOU have to be the CHANGE!!! Only when you CHANGE will your circumstances change. You have to be the catalyst for that change. Why not take a few moments and regroup your thinking. Start thinking as an employer would think and stop thinking as an employee. Start thinking at the level of a millionaire and stop thinking as someone who's constantly trying to stretch pennies. Now, let's back up a little bit. Thinking as a millionaire doesn't mean acting like you drink Champagne everyday when really all you have is Kool-Aid in the pantry. Thinking as a millionaire doesn't mean trying to eat caviar when really all you have is grits in the pantry. That's crazy and not using wisdom. Thinking as a millionaire only means that you are now positioning yourself for greater. Thinking as a millionaire only means that you are now positioning yourself to receive all that God has for you. It starts with YOU!!! Don't allow another year to roll by and leave you ONCE AGAIN!!! The train has already started rolling. It's not too late to jump on board. It's still January and the momentum has just started. Once you've jumped on the train, it slowly starts speeding up but you will never feel the shift because you are actually shifting with it!!! Don't allow that momentum to increase and you're still sitting on the couch. Once the momentum gets going and you're not already on the train, it may be moving too fast for you to jump on and you'll get left behind AGAIN!!! It's your time!! It's your season!!! Recognize it!!! Act on it!!! Get moving!!! You're reading the words of a millionaire!!! Is a millionaire reading my words??? UMMPPH!!! Good question!! Well, the New Year is here. And many of you have made resolutions which will not be kept. Oh, I know you have great intentions, but the reality of the situation is that these resolutions look great on paper ONLY.
Isn't it time to stop making these ill-fated resolutions and start concentrating for accurate SOLUTIONS? So many of you have been impregnated with a vision for a business but either:
The list could go on indefinitely. Now is the time to put the peddle to the metal; to put your foot to the plow; to actually get off the couch and start your new business venture. If this is you, you have definitely come to the right place. I am extremely passionate about seeing everyone not only start a business, but to start a SUCCESSFUL business. It's never too late to start a business. But it won't get started from the comfort of your couch. 2015 is a year of getting out of your comfort zone and beginning the rest of your life!! HAPPY NEW YEAR !! |
Shannon Barnes, AuthorShannon Barnes has been a business entrepreneur for the past 10 years. This blog is dedicated to providing up-to-date information, inspiration, and encouragement in business ownership and in life. Archives
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